Saturday, January 4, 2014

Facts About Sleep

Facts About Sleep
Sleep is a thing that important to do, an activity where we rested our organs from any activity in all day and to regenerate cells and damaged tissues that happen in our body. Sleep is something natural in human life, but behind that, it’s save some unique facts that maybe we do not know. Here 3 facts about sleep:
1. 8 hours of sleep is not the best
Many health experts recommend for sleep at least 8 hours per day but based on research and historical records, sleep 8 hours it’s not our actual sleep patterns. Research conducted lead to the conclusion that the actual pattern of sleep is sleep 4 hours, wake up 2 hours, and then sleep again for 4 hours. So there are 2 sleep period is done.
 2. Grow taller during sleep?
Research shows that human body will grow taller about 8mm during sleep. But unfortunately, the 8mm will shrink back to the normal height due to gravity pressure when sitting or standing.
3. For some people, sleep 4 hours is enough.
Perhaps you think “I could also sleep 4 hours.” Yes we can all sleep only 4 hours, but it would make us in bad mood, decreased antibody, hard to concentrate, and so on. Interestingly, this is not happen for people who have a genetic mutation. It causes sleep 4 hours is enough for them and they feel refreshed when wake up. One of peoples who have a genetic mutation like this is Margaret Thatcher.

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